Elbow Pain
Elbow pain is often caused by repetitive use during work, when doing DIY or when playing sports. A
common cause of elbow pain is inflammation and irritation of the bony area on the outside of the
elbow, often called “Tennis Elbow”. This can be pretty debilitating and can develop into continuous
pain and an inability to grip objects or move the wrist without pain. Even if you’re sure you have
Tennis Elbow, it’s important to have this confirmed by a physiotherapist following a thorough
assessment. They will then be able to advise you on how to gain control of your symptoms, recover
well, and return to your sport or work without pain.
When you come to see us for elbow pain, we will firstly sit down to discuss your symptoms and give
you an opportunity to tell us what you’ve been through. Then we’ll carry out a thorough assessment
to get to the root cause of your symptoms, before treating you to provide you with some relief. Then
we’ll devise a tailored rehabilitation plan to help you get back to your normal self.
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